SpineAlign® Blog Bedtime Stretches That Will Help You Actually Get to Sleep Anyone else not sleeping, like, at all right now? Yeah, you’re not alone. Between the stress and fear that so many ... Continue Reading
SpineAlign® Blog Why high heels are so bad for your health - Part 1 Most women have at least one pair of high heel shoes in their wardrobe, and many wear high heels every single day. ... Continue Reading
SpineAlign® Blog Night Routines to Help You Get a Good Night's Sleep You've probably heard about daily morning rituals to help set you up for success, but what about daily night routin... Continue Reading
SpineAlign® Blog THE CONNECTION BETWEEN SLEEP AND FLUID LOSS When you sleep, your body naturally loses fluids leading to an increased risk of dehydration. Dehydration is a cond... Continue Reading
SpineAlign® Blog Ways to Prepare for the Fall Season With the approach of fall, Mother Nature begins the transition from the high energy summer season of bright, warm, ... Continue Reading
SpineAlign® Blog Is it good or bad to sleep with your dog? Studies have shown many physical and mental health advantages to owning a pet, and co-sleeping increases the amount... Continue Reading